Ani Tefillah /The Voice of Jewish Education

Founder: Tamar Nusbaum
Team: Devorah Walfish, Chava Paymer, Rabbi Avrohom Y. Berman, Malka F. Mintzes, Adi Salomon, Adiah Goldman
What: ANI TEFILLAH is a Tefillah-enhancement curriculum that imbues the process of prayer with deeper meaning and connection for school-age children, making the experience one that children can look forward to on a daily basis. A program for all children from all backgrounds, ANI TEFILLAH utilizes classroom strategies in conjunction with gentle spiritual guidance to encourage each child to “Stop, Think and Feel” the words of prayer they are saying. The recitation of prayer is transformed from rote behavior to a personalized relationship with the Creator, using translations to highlight the message of each prayer and emphasizing Hebrew language skills (prefixes, suffixes, shorsohim) so that each child can eventually learn Tefillah (or any other text) independently.
Founded: 2018
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